Digital analytics tools typically offer a report showing the geolocation of the site’s visitors. The location data is based on an IP address lookup. This post will show you how to create your own IP lookup API for Google Tag Manager using a Google Cloud Function. The location data can then be pushed to the dataLayer using a custom HTML tag.
The Cloud Function
The Google Cloud Function used for the API will utilize an HTTP trigger. With the HTTP endpoint, the function will run whenever its URL is requested.
Google Cloud Functions automatically add the geolocation information of the requester to the headers of the request. So what this Function will do is simply return those headers in the response.
The request headers that are interesting for this use case are:
- x-appengine-country,
- x-appengine-region,
- x-appengine-city,
- x-appengine-citylatlong
Creating the Cloud Function
First, head to the Cloud Functions page in your Google Cloud project and click “create function”.

In the Function’s configuration, set the name for your new Cloud Function. The best region to choose is the one closest to the majority of your site’s visitors. The trigger type should be HTTP, and the authentication option should allow unauthenticated invocations.
Click “save” and “next” to proceed to the Function’s code.

The function already has a default index.js file. Replace the contents of the file with this code:
const countryName = (code) => {
// country list from:
const countryList = [
{ "name": "Afghanistan", "code": "AF" },
{ "name": "Åland Islands", "code": "AX" },
{ "name": "Albania", "code": "AL" },
{ "name": "Algeria", "code": "DZ" },
{ "name": "American Samoa", "code": "AS" },
{ "name": "AndorrA", "code": "AD" },
{ "name": "Angola", "code": "AO" },
{ "name": "Anguilla", "code": "AI" },
{ "name": "Antarctica", "code": "AQ" },
{ "name": "Antigua and Barbuda", "code": "AG" },
{ "name": "Argentina", "code": "AR" },
{ "name": "Armenia", "code": "AM" },
{ "name": "Aruba", "code": "AW" },
{ "name": "Australia", "code": "AU" },
{ "name": "Austria", "code": "AT" },
{ "name": "Azerbaijan", "code": "AZ" },
{ "name": "Bahamas", "code": "BS" },
{ "name": "Bahrain", "code": "BH" },
{ "name": "Bangladesh", "code": "BD" },
{ "name": "Barbados", "code": "BB" },
{ "name": "Belarus", "code": "BY" },
{ "name": "Belgium", "code": "BE" },
{ "name": "Belize", "code": "BZ" },
{ "name": "Benin", "code": "BJ" },
{ "name": "Bermuda", "code": "BM" },
{ "name": "Bhutan", "code": "BT" },
{ "name": "Bolivia", "code": "BO" },
{ "name": "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "code": "BA" },
{ "name": "Botswana", "code": "BW" },
{ "name": "Bouvet Island", "code": "BV" },
{ "name": "Brazil", "code": "BR" },
{ "name": "British Indian Ocean Territory", "code": "IO" },
{ "name": "Brunei Darussalam", "code": "BN" },
{ "name": "Bulgaria", "code": "BG" },
{ "name": "Burkina Faso", "code": "BF" },
{ "name": "Burundi", "code": "BI" },
{ "name": "Cambodia", "code": "KH" },
{ "name": "Cameroon", "code": "CM" },
{ "name": "Canada", "code": "CA" },
{ "name": "Cape Verde", "code": "CV" },
{ "name": "Cayman Islands", "code": "KY" },
{ "name": "Central African Republic", "code": "CF" },
{ "name": "Chad", "code": "TD" },
{ "name": "Chile", "code": "CL" },
{ "name": "China", "code": "CN" },
{ "name": "Christmas Island", "code": "CX" },
{ "name": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", "code": "CC" },
{ "name": "Colombia", "code": "CO" },
{ "name": "Comoros", "code": "KM" },
{ "name": "Congo", "code": "CG" },
{ "name": "Congo, The Democratic Republic of the", "code": "CD" },
{ "name": "Cook Islands", "code": "CK" },
{ "name": "Costa Rica", "code": "CR" },
{ "name": "Cote D\"Ivoire", "code": "CI" },
{ "name": "Croatia", "code": "HR" },
{ "name": "Cuba", "code": "CU" },
{ "name": "Cyprus", "code": "CY" },
{ "name": "Czech Republic", "code": "CZ" },
{ "name": "Denmark", "code": "DK" },
{ "name": "Djibouti", "code": "DJ" },
{ "name": "Dominica", "code": "DM" },
{ "name": "Dominican Republic", "code": "DO" },
{ "name": "Ecuador", "code": "EC" },
{ "name": "Egypt", "code": "EG" },
{ "name": "El Salvador", "code": "SV" },
{ "name": "Equatorial Guinea", "code": "GQ" },
{ "name": "Eritrea", "code": "ER" },
{ "name": "Estonia", "code": "EE" },
{ "name": "Ethiopia", "code": "ET" },
{ "name": "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)", "code": "FK" },
{ "name": "Faroe Islands", "code": "FO" },
{ "name": "Fiji", "code": "FJ" },
{ "name": "Finland", "code": "FI" },
{ "name": "France", "code": "FR" },
{ "name": "French Guiana", "code": "GF" },
{ "name": "French Polynesia", "code": "PF" },
{ "name": "French Southern Territories", "code": "TF" },
{ "name": "Gabon", "code": "GA" },
{ "name": "Gambia", "code": "GM" },
{ "name": "Georgia", "code": "GE" },
{ "name": "Germany", "code": "DE" },
{ "name": "Ghana", "code": "GH" },
{ "name": "Gibraltar", "code": "GI" },
{ "name": "Greece", "code": "GR" },
{ "name": "Greenland", "code": "GL" },
{ "name": "Grenada", "code": "GD" },
{ "name": "Guadeloupe", "code": "GP" },
{ "name": "Guam", "code": "GU" },
{ "name": "Guatemala", "code": "GT" },
{ "name": "Guernsey", "code": "GG" },
{ "name": "Guinea", "code": "GN" },
{ "name": "Guinea-Bissau", "code": "GW" },
{ "name": "Guyana", "code": "GY" },
{ "name": "Haiti", "code": "HT" },
{ "name": "Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands", "code": "HM" },
{ "name": "Holy See (Vatican City State)", "code": "VA" },
{ "name": "Honduras", "code": "HN" },
{ "name": "Hong Kong", "code": "HK" },
{ "name": "Hungary", "code": "HU" },
{ "name": "Iceland", "code": "IS" },
{ "name": "India", "code": "IN" },
{ "name": "Indonesia", "code": "ID" },
{ "name": "Iran, Islamic Republic Of", "code": "IR" },
{ "name": "Iraq", "code": "IQ" },
{ "name": "Ireland", "code": "IE" },
{ "name": "Isle of Man", "code": "IM" },
{ "name": "Israel", "code": "IL" },
{ "name": "Italy", "code": "IT" },
{ "name": "Jamaica", "code": "JM" },
{ "name": "Japan", "code": "JP" },
{ "name": "Jersey", "code": "JE" },
{ "name": "Jordan", "code": "JO" },
{ "name": "Kazakhstan", "code": "KZ" },
{ "name": "Kenya", "code": "KE" },
{ "name": "Kiribati", "code": "KI" },
{ "name": "Korea, Democratic People\"S Republic of", "code": "KP" },
{ "name": "Korea, Republic of", "code": "KR" },
{ "name": "Kuwait", "code": "KW" },
{ "name": "Kyrgyzstan", "code": "KG" },
{ "name": "Lao People\"S Democratic Republic", "code": "LA" },
{ "name": "Latvia", "code": "LV" },
{ "name": "Lebanon", "code": "LB" },
{ "name": "Lesotho", "code": "LS" },
{ "name": "Liberia", "code": "LR" },
{ "name": "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya", "code": "LY" },
{ "name": "Liechtenstein", "code": "LI" },
{ "name": "Lithuania", "code": "LT" },
{ "name": "Luxembourg", "code": "LU" },
{ "name": "Macao", "code": "MO" },
{ "name": "Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of", "code": "MK" },
{ "name": "Madagascar", "code": "MG" },
{ "name": "Malawi", "code": "MW" },
{ "name": "Malaysia", "code": "MY" },
{ "name": "Maldives", "code": "MV" },
{ "name": "Mali", "code": "ML" },
{ "name": "Malta", "code": "MT" },
{ "name": "Marshall Islands", "code": "MH" },
{ "name": "Martinique", "code": "MQ" },
{ "name": "Mauritania", "code": "MR" },
{ "name": "Mauritius", "code": "MU" },
{ "name": "Mayotte", "code": "YT" },
{ "name": "Mexico", "code": "MX" },
{ "name": "Micronesia, Federated States of", "code": "FM" },
{ "name": "Moldova, Republic of", "code": "MD" },
{ "name": "Monaco", "code": "MC" },
{ "name": "Mongolia", "code": "MN" },
{ "name": "Montserrat", "code": "MS" },
{ "name": "Morocco", "code": "MA" },
{ "name": "Mozambique", "code": "MZ" },
{ "name": "Myanmar", "code": "MM" },
{ "name": "Namibia", "code": "NA" },
{ "name": "Nauru", "code": "NR" },
{ "name": "Nepal", "code": "NP" },
{ "name": "Netherlands", "code": "NL" },
{ "name": "Netherlands Antilles", "code": "AN" },
{ "name": "New Caledonia", "code": "NC" },
{ "name": "New Zealand", "code": "NZ" },
{ "name": "Nicaragua", "code": "NI" },
{ "name": "Niger", "code": "NE" },
{ "name": "Nigeria", "code": "NG" },
{ "name": "Niue", "code": "NU" },
{ "name": "Norfolk Island", "code": "NF" },
{ "name": "Northern Mariana Islands", "code": "MP" },
{ "name": "Norway", "code": "NO" },
{ "name": "Oman", "code": "OM" },
{ "name": "Pakistan", "code": "PK" },
{ "name": "Palau", "code": "PW" },
{ "name": "Palestinian Territory, Occupied", "code": "PS" },
{ "name": "Panama", "code": "PA" },
{ "name": "Papua New Guinea", "code": "PG" },
{ "name": "Paraguay", "code": "PY" },
{ "name": "Peru", "code": "PE" },
{ "name": "Philippines", "code": "PH" },
{ "name": "Pitcairn", "code": "PN" },
{ "name": "Poland", "code": "PL" },
{ "name": "Portugal", "code": "PT" },
{ "name": "Puerto Rico", "code": "PR" },
{ "name": "Qatar", "code": "QA" },
{ "name": "Reunion", "code": "RE" },
{ "name": "Romania", "code": "RO" },
{ "name": "Russian Federation", "code": "RU" },
{ "name": "RWANDA", "code": "RW" },
{ "name": "Saint Helena", "code": "SH" },
{ "name": "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "code": "KN" },
{ "name": "Saint Lucia", "code": "LC" },
{ "name": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", "code": "PM" },
{ "name": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "code": "VC" },
{ "name": "Samoa", "code": "WS" },
{ "name": "San Marino", "code": "SM" },
{ "name": "Sao Tome and Principe", "code": "ST" },
{ "name": "Saudi Arabia", "code": "SA" },
{ "name": "Senegal", "code": "SN" },
{ "name": "Serbia and Montenegro", "code": "CS" },
{ "name": "Seychelles", "code": "SC" },
{ "name": "Sierra Leone", "code": "SL" },
{ "name": "Singapore", "code": "SG" },
{ "name": "Slovakia", "code": "SK" },
{ "name": "Slovenia", "code": "SI" },
{ "name": "Solomon Islands", "code": "SB" },
{ "name": "Somalia", "code": "SO" },
{ "name": "South Africa", "code": "ZA" },
{ "name": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", "code": "GS" },
{ "name": "Spain", "code": "ES" },
{ "name": "Sri Lanka", "code": "LK" },
{ "name": "Sudan", "code": "SD" },
{ "name": "Suriname", "code": "SR" },
{ "name": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen", "code": "SJ" },
{ "name": "Swaziland", "code": "SZ" },
{ "name": "Sweden", "code": "SE" },
{ "name": "Switzerland", "code": "CH" },
{ "name": "Syrian Arab Republic", "code": "SY" },
{ "name": "Taiwan, Province of China", "code": "TW" },
{ "name": "Tajikistan", "code": "TJ" },
{ "name": "Tanzania, United Republic of", "code": "TZ" },
{ "name": "Thailand", "code": "TH" },
{ "name": "Timor-Leste", "code": "TL" },
{ "name": "Togo", "code": "TG" },
{ "name": "Tokelau", "code": "TK" },
{ "name": "Tonga", "code": "TO" },
{ "name": "Trinidad and Tobago", "code": "TT" },
{ "name": "Tunisia", "code": "TN" },
{ "name": "Turkey", "code": "TR" },
{ "name": "Turkmenistan", "code": "TM" },
{ "name": "Turks and Caicos Islands", "code": "TC" },
{ "name": "Tuvalu", "code": "TV" },
{ "name": "Uganda", "code": "UG" },
{ "name": "Ukraine", "code": "UA" },
{ "name": "United Arab Emirates", "code": "AE" },
{ "name": "United Kingdom", "code": "GB" },
{ "name": "United States", "code": "US" },
{ "name": "United States Minor Outlying Islands", "code": "UM" },
{ "name": "Uruguay", "code": "UY" },
{ "name": "Uzbekistan", "code": "UZ" },
{ "name": "Vanuatu", "code": "VU" },
{ "name": "Venezuela", "code": "VE" },
{ "name": "Viet Nam", "code": "VN" },
{ "name": "Virgin Islands, British", "code": "VG" },
{ "name": "Virgin Islands, U.S.", "code": "VI" },
{ "name": "Wallis and Futuna", "code": "WF" },
{ "name": "Western Sahara", "code": "EH" },
{ "name": "Yemen", "code": "YE" },
{ "name": "Zambia", "code": "ZM" },
{ "name": "Zimbabwe", "code": "ZW" }
const country = countryList.find(country => { return country.code === code });
return country ? : null;
exports.visitorLocation = (req, res) => {
res.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '<replace with the allowed origin>');
// optionally include a cache-control header
res.set('Cache-Control', 'private, max-age=600');
const responseData = {
app_engine_country: req.headers["x-appengine-country"] || null,
app_engine_region: req.headers["x-appengine-region"] || null,
app_engine_city: req.headers["x-appengine-city"] || null,
app_engine_city_latlong: req.headers["x-appengine-citylatlong"] || null,
country: countryName(req.headers["x-appengine-country"])
Change the entry point to “visitorLocation”. The entry point is the function that will be called once the Cloud Function is invoked.
Also, remember to change the URL in the “Access-Control-Allow-Origin” header. The allowed origin header should match the site that will be calling the API. For this site, the value would be “”.
You can also include a cache-control header in the response. The header will reduce the number of requests originating from the same browser. With the private option, the browser will cache the response value until the max-age specified in seconds.
You can leave the package.json file as it is.

Next, you can click deploy. It will take a minute, but after completion, you can test the API by navigating to the trigger URL of your Cloud Function in your browser. You can find the URL in the trigger tab of the Cloud Function page.

If everything works correctly, you should see something like this in your browser.

The API part of the setup is now complete.
GTM Implemantation
In Tag Manager, we’ll need to create a tag that calls the API and pushes the results to the dataLayer. You can make the API call using a custom HTML tag.
Create a new custom HTML tag and use the following script. Remember to include the trigger URL of your API in the code.
(function() {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '<your Cloud Function trigger URL>', true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE && xhr.status === 200) {
var response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if (response && response.app_engine_country) {
var dlEvent = response;
dlEvent.event = 'geolocation';

Next, test the API. You should see an event like this on the dataLayer.

You can use a Google Cloud Function to easily set up your own lightweight IP location service. One of the benefits is that instead of using a 3rd party service, the requests are handled in an environment you own and control. The pricing model of Google Cloud Functions also allows 2 million free invocations per month, making the setup free for smaller sites.
Hey Taneli,
thanks for the article. I like the clear guiding it provides. Since the location of a user most likely does not change too often, you might want to consider adding some cache headers ( or a cookie that regulates how often a user pings the cloud function. This will both reduce load on the user’s browser as well as your cloud function
Hi Hannes,
thanks for the comment. That’s a good point. I’ll include the cache headers in the code and the post.